We have what I originally thought were blackberry bushes growing here and there along our property. I've been finding new bushes these last few weeks while out walking Butters. I've been checking them every day and waiting for them to ripen. I have even been careful not to run over them with the lawn mower and have been hoping that the animals do not get to them before I do. Well, I finally picked some that were ripe (ripe by my standards anyway), and it turns out that they are actually DEWBERRIES, which are related and very similar to blackberries, just not as big. I was upset at first (why is my life a lie?!) because I had this recipe planned since I first saw the berries. But hey, I made it work. I just added the dewberries together with some blackberries and TA-DA! It was delicious, and no one would have known the difference if I hadn't told them (ok, maybe they told me, but that's beside the point). Anyway, if you do not have any wild dewberries on hand, just u...
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