Hey guys! Hope that you are doing well and that you had a good week! I want to share with you a dessert that everyone in our family loves. It's a recipe from the kitchen of my husband's grandma. It's called Chocolate Silk Pie, and it's AWESOME. She always makes this pie for holidays and family get-togethers. It's that dessert that we always look forward to. Last weekend I decided to give it a try myself. It's actually really simple (if you use a store bought crust) and doesn't take much time to bake. It was my first time making it, and I think that it turned out really good. The only thing that went wrong was that I forgot to cover up the pie crust, which she recommends doing for the entire bake time. So, mine turned out a little too brown. And maybe the pie itself was just a tad over cooked on the top..? Probably. I'm still bad about that with this oven... There was something just a bit different than how hers usually tastes, but I couldn't real...
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